I had the privilege to interview a regular guy (not a well-known 'Guru') who claims making more than $200 a day with Google AdSense Program.

Here's an excerpt from the interview I did for my upcoming eBook - 'AdSense Confessions' -read it and try to apply what you learn iniside, it should make a difference in your AdSense income and profits.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

My name is John Tulus. I was born in October of 1966 in Córdoba, Argentina, South America.

How did you get started to make money on the Internet?

I started with small projects like web sites for friends.

After some time of developing web sites for others, I knew it was time to start to work on the ideas for developing my own site, my own online company. I put all my ideas together, combined them with the experience I had achieved developing web sites for others, and put in motion the
creation of my site. Once the site was up and running, all I had to do was start generating traffic and wait for the money to roll in. I remember the first cheque I received...
what a rush!! $29. That motivated me to keep on with the project of the life that I desired.

Do you prefer AdSense over Affiliate Programs promotion?

Yes, I prefer Google Adsense over any other affiliate program because it has Google guarantee. Thousands of websites are now applying Adsense to their sites. Not only do you have the Google guarantee, but visitors to your web site may also see it as having the Google "seal of confidence". In a certain way, having Adsense on your site shows visitors that your site has been approved by Google.

Nevertheless, having Adsense on your site doesn´t mean that you can´t have other affiliate programs combined with it. You can actually have as many programs as you want, but I prefer Adsense specially because the conversion rate to money is much faster with Adsense.

No other affiliate program converts clicks to money as fast as Google Adsense.

With Google Adsense I may need just 10 optimized clicks to earn $20. By optimized, I mean clicks on a page that has keywords that pay the most in Adsense. With other affiliate programs I need at least 200 visits to an optimized site with related content and optimized traffic to earn the same amount of money.

What is the 'SECRET' formula for bringing quality traffic to your Site?

In WMXP.COM I apply all my experience acquired during all these years of investigation, using the best tools, the best reports, the best products, to offer my visitors the best of the best so that they have good reasons to return and recommend the site.

Free tools for webmasters such as ...

Check Pagerank (http://www.wmxp.com/tools/pagerank.php)

Search Engine Ranking Popularity (http://www.wmxp.com/tools/serp.php)

Search Engine Saturation (http://www.wmxp.com/tools/index.php)

Popularity (http://www.wmxp.com/popular.php)

Overture Keywords (http://www.wmxp.com/overture)

a complete directory full of free and non-free scripts (http://scripts.wmxp.com)

a classified ads system (www.adsbe.com)

a directory full of products of one of the most important affiliate systems on the net (FREE CLICKBANK STOREFRONT - http://cbmall.wmxp.com)

... make of www.WMXP.COM a site sufficiently interesting for navigators that really work in the Internet.

How do you go about converting your Site traffic into more Adsense Income?

If your Adsense is performing poorly, I have three tips for you:

1. Decrease the number of Adsense blocks that you are displaying on a page. I don't know how others have experienced this, but my income seemed to be less if I had more than one block of Adsense ads displayed at once - and your CTR is definitely less if you have more than one ad
impression at a time.

2. Change your link colour to blue. While I cannot disclose my CTR I can tell you that this one little change more than doubled my CTR. I know that there are others out there who
advocate that your link colour should be the same as the other links on your site, but try it out for yourself for a day or two. I think you will be highly surprised!

3. Set the URL colour to the same colour as the ad's text. This makes the URL ''melt" in and makes the link colour stand out more, definitely making it more "clickable".

What final words of wisdom would you like to pass on to everyone who is reading this eBook?

To trust your abilities, to trust the project, to develop your ideas fully and that in the end your efforts will be rewarded.

About the Author

Codrut Turcanu is putting his final touch on 'AdSense Confessions' - an info-packed eBook containing 3 in-depth interviews with regular Guys (not 'Gurus') making TONS of Cash with AdSense. To be notified of this release visit: http://www.AdSenseConfessions.com

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